hey shawty post.

yo gabba gabba

li’l post here – got a few snappppps for y’all.

firstly; clothing.


– large navy baggy dress & light blue crucifix (sistah H’s, now miiiiiiine!)


– baggy ‘NYC’ top & high waisted H&M grey-ish skirt. worn with a grey cardie.


–  primark dress & cardie. cute ivory heart earringssss from topshop.

ate this;

grassingtons 'meat' balls

these were the last few that i’d hoarded ‘cuz i can’t get these anywhere. frustration-city. but i boughts me some ‘chicken’ dippers to replace them. i’m all about the health food y’all.

bought this today after coveting the babiessss for quite a while. will be tonight snackdacky.

hopin for good thangs

hopin' for good thangs

and ‘cuz this was dirt cheap;

trance music.

trance music. love it.

£4 for 4 CD’s? yes please, kthanxbye.

things at Casa de L. are cruisin’ along kinda nicely. hoping workies tomozza won’t be a stress mountain like last week. fingers crossed, ya hear? today meant running some errands, shopping for eatssss, window shopping and tea drinking in the town. oh, and gym obvs.
rockin’ times, i know.

right chickadees, i’m off for some foodies.

check ya laters dawgsssssss.

L. x

(PS, if you didn’t catch the children’s television title at the start of this post then you obviously….errrrr, have stuff to do & don’t watch kids TV)


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5 responses to “hey shawty post.

  1. i have a question for ya, boo — seriously, do you ever get tired of looking so fabulous?! your such a gorg. fashionista.

  2. themilkfreeway

    I may or may not spend far too much time watching Scooby Doo when I have nothing else planned for the day, so nooo, no children’s TV viewers here 😛
    I hope you have a nice Sunday!

  3. Fi

    that soya&linseed bran is amazing, bet you love it 🙂
    also, sometimes I get bored of ‘outfit’ pics, but never with yours cause you always look amazing and you have great style ideas!
    totally didn’t get the scooby doo reference, I’m quite disappointed with myself cause I’m a veteran of mindless TV watching! the simpsons is my main cartoon fun though 😉
    hope work tomorrow is ok!

  4. Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry that I didn’t comment back sooner…somehow I missed the post until I read your comment to me ~ please, please don’t feel guilty or like you’ve been neglecting me or anything! I know that everyone else out there has far busier lives than I do and seriously don’t take it personally if someone doesn’t comment for a while ~ you’re not a ‘bad friend’ at all!!! You’re a kind, loving, selfless person with one hell of a sense of style and a brilliant way of expressing yourself. The last thing I’d want is for you to read something on my blog that upset you, and I’m so sorry if anything has been too distressing/triggering for you…I never really think about the impact some of the things I post could have and I probably should consider some of the content/phraseology a little more carefully.

    I’d never realised that the way I present food might make people think that I eat them together! I actually just eat the carrot and mango separately but put them in the same container/on the same plate purely for aesthetic reasons…they look so pretty together ; ) I’m actually a ‘nibbler’ and like to dissect my food ~ there aren’t that many combos that I put together and like aside from banana/pb and my porridge experiments. Example: with my meal last night I ate the veggies, then the lentil bolognese off the top of the sweet potatoes, and lastly the potatoes themselves. I don’t think it’s a disordered thing ~ when I was a toddler I’d freak out if foods were even touching and would eat the bread separate from the filling in ‘sandwiches’…I think my favourite occupation was nibbling all the chocolate from around the edge of Kitkat fingers.

    Hmm, more than you ever wanted to know about me there!

    I seriously had no idea that the reference was from Scooby Doo *shame*…and I think those are three of your most fabulous outfits yet. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, you have the most stunning long legs I’ve ever seen!

    Please don’t think I was angry or ignoring you ~ I was just too ditzy to notice that you’d updated!

    ❤ ❤

  5. I LOVE the third outfit the most! you rock all these layers of clothing! I’ve seen a lot of girls attempt to pull it off, but none can as much as you!

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