fake it til you make it.

thankies for y’all congrats ❤ i know all your good vibes befo’ the interview definitely helped me.
i’m uber uber nervous for mah first day. but i’m gonna fake some confidence (& sanity) and be all happy smiley face. new start and all that.

on saturday, i participated in one of my favouritest hobbies. guesses anyone?
shopping (be still my heart.)

i bought some new black skinny trousers for work (oh yesss, i will be the most fashionista girly in the office) and i’m already sussing out some new outfits. that’s just how i roll. you know me.

i also bought some new eaties from the store. like many of you, i am slightly addicted to food shopping. as in, i go all the time and spends lots of dollah$. ooops.

i bought some new vegetable crisps called ‘snapz beetroot’. witness:

the beetroot variety (they also do many others including parsnip) are only beetroot. nothing else. no salt, no sugar. just 100% pure beetroot. taste-wise, they were….different. probs an acquired taste, or at least for me espesh as i’ve never tried beetroot befo’. with a li’l hummus, i bet they be rockin’. i probs won’t purchase again but i’m interested in the rest of the products & i’m glad to have tasted it. link
(for any brit girlies, they sell them in sainsburys)

oh, and yesterday’s look was;

– printed flower vest, leggings, pearl earrings, ‘whole foods’ canvas bag, topshop cardi.

and i wandered around townsies in the sun, dranking a tea and feelin’ grateful to be alive.

monday will consist of light gym sesh due to ankle hatin’ on me, visiting Gramps with papa K, food shopping (lookin’ for potentials that i would feel comfortable eatin’ at new work) and then dentist. way to end the day on a high, rightttt?

L. x


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sophisticated homegirl here.

i didn’t get the job.





oh, um, except that I DID! ❤

yes, yes, its true. i am now employed. i am a Working Girl (no, not in the Pretty Woman way, mmmkay) i will be a customer service assistant, taking the deets from peeps who’ve had a car accident or been burglarised. i start on Tuesday (scariness) which has caused L. to go freakydeaky & worry about food/exercise. but ed!loser is not ruining this. i will totes deal, one way or another.

the whole thang was a tad manic. in my pre-interview with the recruitment brothas who’d got the interview set up, he decided my outfit wasn’t appropriate  & could i get some black trousers? cutting an epic story shorty, the following sum applies:
L + over priced black trousers X running into town with a messed-up ankle – trousers being returned asap = L being classy and changing in her car.
(srsly, a dude could have got an eyeful of me in the back seat. like i said, CLASSY.)
so imagine this outfit;



closer look at the top. forgive my uber-serious face. apparently taking shots of your clothes is real maudlin.

closer look at the top. forgive my uber-serious face. apparently taking shots of your clothes is real maudlin.

minus jeans, plus some black trousers and a cardie. its prettay boring but i couldn’t reallyyyy stroll in with leggings & my usual ensemble.

i’m so excitednervousscaredhappy. it also means, girlfriends, that i might be able to get a flat before the festive season. booyah.


in other matters, the gym is minus running. my ankles and knees are being ridic. apparently, they are haters. so its walking on the treadmill (yawnsies) and my usual weights routine – with a few more leg machines added in to get my muscles strengthened, especially in the knees.

& the eats are going pretty well. although i did make a mistake putting too much salt on some stir-fried baby cabbage & pak choi. & then wanted to vom. last night was stir-fried courgette & green peppers. with burnt  falafel. still struggling with the usual issues but i’m dealing.

tomoz plans include the return of Nap!Time (which debuted again today after a brief retirement) food shopping & watching random teevee. i bettah make the most of this lazy day, yesssss?


L. x


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next time is the charm?

so i’ve got anotha interviewski tomozzo. this is for a customer service assistant for motor insurance claims. its at 4pm (with a meeting with recruitment agency who set it up at 2.45) so girl here has the whole day to get psyched up. oh yesss. & worry about what to wear. (oh the life of a clothes obsessed blogger. maybe What Would L. Wear is more appropriate?)

speaking of clothes (‘cuz i kinda always am) yesterday’s outfit;

baggy ftw.

baggy ftw.

– man’s shirt from primark, leggings, cheap grey boots, pearl hoop earrings ❤




heart the jeans colour. not the fit.


heart the jean’s colour but not the fit. fo sho, i’ve mentioned this but they make mah thighs look mahoosive. but they were expensive topshop so i’m gon’ wear them.


today i went around to mah Gramps and Step-Grams. it was a mini-tech lesson for my Step-Grams but i wanted to see Gramps too. (who was most deffo not up for any computering.) he was verryyyy tired and sometimes seemed ‘with it’ but at others, drifting off. my Step-Grams (who’s had mayjah anxiety issues in the past) is coping uber well. i knew she wanted me to stay when she asked if i had time for another cup o’ tea (always time for tea espesh with The Gramps and Step-Grams) we ended up having a lovely long chat (i was there for aaaages peeps) i think they both just wanted to talk, not even ’bout the stupido cancer but just….talk.
i got upset when Gramps mentioned that a hospice organisation was coming round to talk to him but when i gots back home, mama C said they help with general pain relief too.

thanks for all your comments. ❤ it really means a lot.
until we meet again, au revoir my pretties.

L. x


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oh, i fail.

so no, i did not get the job. which is ridic annoying.


i did, howeverz, go for a ‘meeting’ with a recruitment agency who have signed me to their books && will be giving my CV to clients, et cetera.
hopefully somethang will come from it. and yes, i was ever so predictable & took a snap of my ‘meeting’ outfit;

nothing that exciting.

nothing that exciting.

altho’ i did pair it with sistah H’s h&m leather biker jacket (kinda stealed from her wardrobe.shhhhh.) so i looked prettay hot. if i say so mahself.

here is the 411 on the past coupla days in the life of L;

  • gym
    so, i’m starting to try & run. & the emphasis is truly on the ‘try’, my friends. at the momento, i’m walking at 6kmh for 3 mins and then jogging at 8kmh for 1min. (hardcore, rightttt?) in the past few sesh’s, i’ve been doin’ this rotation for 20 mins. today i tried 30 mins, ending on a 2min run. but my ankle is already twinging. sadface.
  • eats
    been doin’ okies with eatin’ at bettah times. been seduced by the lure of late night eatin’s a coupla times. but generally, i’d summarise it as a ‘thumbs up’.
  • clothes. best topic. oh yep.
    bought a cutie flower print top (for like £10 but looks like topshop.) and a cute black baggy tee with a sheer top section. would look sehr sexxay with some flesh coloured tights.


on a uber-downer, Gramps has to go for another CT. they think the chemo didn’t work and the cancer might be back. if it is, (we don’t know yet) there isn’t anything that can do except pain relief.  i’m tryin’ not to think about questions like ‘how long has he got?’ because it might not be back. or the doctors might be able to give him a prognosis of a few years by controlling the growth of the cancer.
tomorrow, i’m going to spend some time with God, read His Word and pray that he looks after my Gramps, whatever happens.

but my Gramps is amaze and will deffo fight this. he got to 83 years old peeps!

love y’all long time.

L. x


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cats and dogs. it was raining them.

so the interview went kinda well. the job is prettayyy involved & complicated but interesting too. i’m not gon’ get too excited cuz i probs won’t get it – 3 posts available but ridic high number of applicants/interviewees. they’re going to let me know on thurs morn.
twas all good in the hood. ‘xcept for the lame-o torrential rain. cue L sprinting to the building after almost being late through lack of parking.

but onto the important stuff, no? what did L wear? (get yo’ priorities sorted peeps)


still no cardio. walked uber-slow on the treadmill for, likeee, 15 minutes. i really am feelin’ that running urge but i am srsly worried about trying. last time, i got a freakin’ bada$$ injury to mah left knee. i couldn’t sleep, cried constantly during the night. could barely stand/walk. but i thinks it could be ‘cuz i was a loon & took it too darn quickly last time.


did i tell y’all i had some mashed tofu on toast? tryin’ ta make it like scrambled egg. i thinks i should try it again cuz it was yummo.

oh, &&&& i’m doin’ rather good on eatin’ all regular rather than all at once in the evening. feelin’ quite anxious at times but psh, it don’t faze moi. i am tres spectacular, oh yessss.

peace out homegirls.
L. x


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‘particle by particle, she slowly changes’


tori amos was so effin’ amaze. srsly. the support (eskimo one) weren’t great. but tori was just ridic brilliant. so beautiful, for a start. our seats were reallyyy good (back of the stalls) compared to last time (circle) she played my favey set list of all three concerts we’ve seen of hers – she played some of my favourites;

‘bliss’ ( which i adore.)
‘jamaica inn’ – from ‘the beekeeper’ album.
‘precious things’ (gotta love it.)
‘cornflake girl’
& for an encore, she played ‘raspberry swirl’. i almost died of happiness, true story. & she messed up a counting sequence in ‘big wheel’ which was so cute ❤

it was a long night though; got back about 1am? caught the 11.30pm train from londontown but i had to have a tea for the caffeine kick so i’d be awake enough to drive back home. crashing? no bueno.

i wore this;

concert outfit

concert outfit

tatty devine necklace that sistah H won in a myspace comp. it is now belonging to yours truly. howeverz, it has to be worn with somethang plain or the outfit looks too busyyyy. & it jangles quite a lot as you walk. haha.


haven’t really been doing the cardio recently at the gymski. like, at all. panic stations. i’m worried about potential ‘changes’ to my body from this. but i can’t think about doing elliptical or anythang at this momento ‘cuz i really, really resent it. forcing mahself to get on that machine even though i want to cry because i’m too tired, too bored. waitin’ until i hit the right number.
so i’m stickin’ to a good & thorough weights routine. which i’m actually enjoyin’. huh, fancy that. i might start cardio again if i (rather than ‘you know who’) want to. i might not. i might do an exercise vid herre and therre. i might not.
but i have to do what L wants to do. i want, i need my life back. like tori says;

‘Battle of the minds
Cries Below
Cries Above
You must pick a side
Will you choose fear
Will you choose love’


in a completely unrelated matter, girly got herselfff another interview for tuesday. oh yesssss. its for a pharmacy assistant job at a local hospital. i really want this. i’m tryin’ not to get mah hopes up though. i’ve got to take an aptitude test. oh dear.
well, i’m gonna be pure L ; happy, cheerful, positive and confident. the real me.

hope y’all are havin’ a fine saturday.


L. x


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never fear, L. is herre.

nope, your eyes aren’t deceiving ya. L is posting, y’all. its been a while, no?

got a few piccypics for you girlies. of my outfits, predictably.

topshop cat tee shirt.


relaxed. readyyy for teaching the oldies technology.

relaxed. readyyy for teaching the oldies technology.


and this is my outfit on monday;

interview outfit.

interview outfit.

yesyes, you read right. that was my interview outfit. it was a preliminary ‘chat’ with the recruitment agency selecting candidates who then go on for the proper interview. but it went well, kids. the job sounds amaze but i don’t want to think about it too much ‘cuz then it’ll be even worse when i don’t gets it!

the guy i went to meet there was real nice. girl here had to explain her patchyyy work history, && i tolds him ’bout ed!loser. he was shocked ‘cuz he said i was uber-positive, happy and full o’ life. not how he imagined someone with ed!loser hangin’ around would be. yayz.
thoughhhhh, i’m feelin’ li’l bit fraudulent-y ‘cuz i said i was in recovery. which i totes am. but i have so many issues that i ain’t dealin’ with (routines, neuroses & all that fun shiz) i gotta do this. i can’t be holdin’ down a full-time job, a social life, livin’ on mah lonesome, going to church, exercise &&&& still havin’ ed!loser on mah shoulder. i’m really going to have to try to get rid, once & for all.

things have still been prettayyy quiet round mah way. aside from ’emergency computer help’ for the grandparents (which was totes nothing. awww.) lots of nap!time (love it) watching paris hilton’s american bff (oh dear.)
BUT, sistah H & moi are going to see TORI AMOS on thursday in london! excitement! (& hopefully PHOTOS!)

soz for being a bad blogette.

love y’all.

L. x x xx


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mix it up homegirl.


WWLD has been sans post-age for a few days purely through L’s life being rather dull-o-rama. how many times can girl here write that she zonked out mid-afternoon or went to the gym-ski?

although all this talkin’ of mah gym reminds me that monday was bank holiday (lamesss) so it opened later. dumba$$ herrre forgot. sat in my car, realised ain’t anyone turnin’ up & went home, all enthusiasm sucked outta me. dids a li’l vid from exercise.tv (courtesy of a hot girly called Jennyyyyy from the block) for about 40 minutes, did some stretching & that was that.
this is kind of a big deal for my bad self. actually changing up my routine & not doing the gymmm. total shocker.
& yesterday and today, i has been unglued from the elliptical. i cycled 10km on the stationary bike for 30 mins and then 30 mins elliptical. i’m pretty psyched by this.
(& i think a sign of going too often is when another gym user notices you’ve changed up your workout, lolzies)

a few outfits;




wednesday. ie today.

wednesday. ie today.

hope y’all aren’t getting disappointed ‘cuz i ain’t posting foodie snaps at the momento. i haven’t had much interessant to post recently although the cereal i had the other night (vogel’s soya and linseed bran) was really good. in a strange way. first few bites were kind of tasteless. then a subtle yet moreish flavour came through. deffo a new cereal love for moi.
i’m postin’ a lot of clothesy photos ‘cuz thats one of the thangs what the real L is interested in – a big part of being interested in food is ed!loser related. i want WWLD to be about all the rad things I like rather than what ed!loser tells me. yesssss.

this morning, i dids some mo’ technology lessons for the Gramps & step-Grams. Gramps is still feelin’ down but the dude is 83! he wants to be in the same health as he was 15 years ago. i love you Gramps, but after pancreatic cancer at 83, it ain’t gonna happen. he’s got some more meds from Doc so hopefully they should help.

don’t know if i mentioned to y’all that i wanted to move to a New City (b-town) but findin’ a job is hellish. & sistah H has decided to go to uni next year. by the time i get a job, we’ll only be livin’ together for six months or less. & then she’s off and i’m stuck on mah lonesome in a cityyyy far from papa K and mama C. i’m scareddddd that i’m going to go loco like i did at uni & move back home again. so i’m considerin’ the small move to t-town. its a place i go regularly (only about 7 miles from home), i’ve got more chance of findin’ workies there. i would feel mucho happier about that move but i don’t want to disappoint sistah H ‘cuz we had our awesome selves set on b-town. t-town ain’t an amaze place but i’d be on mah own & i feel excited by that. i could get a cutey studio & be all growned up. wowzers. i just need to have a convo with sistah H & see where our heads are at.

righto, i’m off kiddywinks. my tumtum is rumblin’.

L. x


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hey shawty post.

yo gabba gabba

li’l post here – got a few snappppps for y’all.

firstly; clothing.


– large navy baggy dress & light blue crucifix (sistah H’s, now miiiiiiine!)


– baggy ‘NYC’ top & high waisted H&M grey-ish skirt. worn with a grey cardie.


–  primark dress & cardie. cute ivory heart earringssss from topshop.

ate this;

grassingtons 'meat' balls

these were the last few that i’d hoarded ‘cuz i can’t get these anywhere. frustration-city. but i boughts me some ‘chicken’ dippers to replace them. i’m all about the health food y’all.

bought this today after coveting the babiessss for quite a while. will be tonight snackdacky.

hopin for good thangs

hopin' for good thangs

and ‘cuz this was dirt cheap;

trance music.

trance music. love it.

£4 for 4 CD’s? yes please, kthanxbye.

things at Casa de L. are cruisin’ along kinda nicely. hoping workies tomozza won’t be a stress mountain like last week. fingers crossed, ya hear? today meant running some errands, shopping for eatssss, window shopping and tea drinking in the town. oh, and gym obvs.
rockin’ times, i know.

right chickadees, i’m off for some foodies.

check ya laters dawgsssssss.

L. x

(PS, if you didn’t catch the children’s television title at the start of this post then you obviously….errrrr, have stuff to do & don’t watch kids TV)


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reunited with my babyyyyy

howdy therre.

monday was prettay usual – gym’d it up & they were playing the muzak channel for once so i was on the treadymill for about half an hour after i dids some weights and elliptical.

after some self-tannage and House MD (oh, hugh laurie. and lisa edelstein. be still my hearttt) watching, went food shopping. wore this;

another old favey

another old favey

not as keen on this top purely ‘cuz i wore it to.the.death. it cost me a prettay penny from topshop so i had to get me monie$ worth, y’all! & now i’m kinda bored of it. but with some big earrings, it can look cute still.

papa K is in a good mood ‘cuz he’s spent some serious dollahz on fishing equipment – he is quite the angler. my vegan self ain’t keen (obvs.) but he never kills & always tries to keep in the water. i don’t really like the idea of but he loves it, really is interested in fish (our dog was called ‘musky’ after the fish. i know, i know.)
so yeahhhh, papa K is playing nicey-nicey.

last night, i had this;




don’t rly know what this iz. i wanted to mash the tofu, season and re-form into sausages. did. not. work. at. all. i was going to fall back on ol’ reliable/ed-safe meals ‘cuz this ain’t what homegirl imagined for dindins – even got out the packet. but  i tried a bit of the cold mashed tofu. & it was darn tasty. so it was; ‘chilled mashed spiced tofu with stir-fried courgettes & pak choi’ (the latter of which i’d ne’er tried before but is amaze.)


this morning (tuesday) i didn’t have mah babyyy girl (yesss, its my car) so papa K gave me a lifty to the gym. & i walked home. less than a year ago, i walked home from the gymski. i was freezin’ my ass off, unnaturally tired, hating on mah awful skin and generally depressed.
today, i walked home as peeps were driving to work, happy with mah fine self, not caring if they saw me, wearing not one scrap o’ make-up. kinda struck me how much i am changing & how healthy i look now.
had a large tea as i walked back but omgosh, whyyyyy do places not have lids that fit the paper cups? ridic.

picked up mah babyyyy from the garage (£50 to clean a valve. wtf?) i missed her for the whole 24 hours she were gone.

check the artistic angle y'all.

pretty normal-y outfit. mama-C complimented me. haha, i wear gorgey clothes everyyy day (if i say so myself) & she likes this one…

rightttt, i better be off kiddies.


(oh, and my lesson learnt of the day? self tan mitts to prevent hand stainage? awesome.)

L. x


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